Business & Markets

Competitive scenario

The mobile market, although saturated and mature in its traditional component of voice services, maintains a limited growth in terms of lines, customer-driven multiSIM / multi-device and the non-human lines (to 31 December 2013, mobile lines in Italy numbered around 97 million, up by about 0.5% compared to 2012, with a penetration rate on the population by about 162%).

Next to the phenomenon of progressive contraction of the traditional service components, such as voice and messaging that are affected by the growing use of "communication apps," we are witnessing a significant growth of mobile broadband that has been in recent years, and will be again in the future also thanks to the launch of the Ultra Broadband LTE, the main strategic and commercial opportunity for the mobile telecommunications industry.


Mobile payments



Augmented reality

Market positioning

Company Customers Market share
Verizon 50m 20%
AT&T 40m 17%
T-mobile 35m 14%
Sprint 30m 11%